
DentinMud v2.05 - alter aeon
   .              .                ,..-::::::-.                   ,
                             ,.-/+oooooo++/::-             .     s/.
      +                  .-/++++++//:--/o+/:-'                   y/y-:.,
                     .:/+++oooyyhyyhhy.-o/:-'                    .ssyMMysso`
                 ,-/++oosssssssssyyyyy.//:.'   +                   '-MMM:`
              ./++osssssoo+++ooossyyy-//-'             .
,,_        ../.ossso+/:-/++-/++ossyo:/:.'
s/::-.,_ ./+osso/:.``     ``:+ossy+:/-'                                  +
soo+//::-.osso-'`  .      `-+osso//-'                       .
yyssooo++/:-.,`          `:+ssy//:'                   .
hhhyyysso+++/:.        `-/oss+/:'
ddddhhysyyyys+:-,    `./oss+/:'        .
mdddhhhhdddhyo+/-, `.:oss+/:'
mdddddmmmmdhhys/-,./oss+/:'                 +                       .
ddmmmmmmmmddhs/../oss+/-'   .
mmNNNNNmmmdy/.-+osso/'                        .

        ..   .     .......  .... ....         ..     ....  ....   .   .
       .  .  .        .    .     .   .       .  .   .     .    .  ..  .
      ...... .        .    ....  ....       ......  ....  .    .  . . .
      .    . .        .    .     .  .       .    .  .     .    .  .  ..
      .    . .....    .     .... .   .      .    .   ....  ....   .   .

(To log on an existing character, enter the name now.)
Would you like to create a new character?  


<635hp 442m 290mv>
Keywords are:  'colors colours ansicolors ansicolours tilde ~'

Color can be added almost anywhere, and is usable by players.  The control
codes for colors are:
(tilde)O   ~O  Off, default color
(tilde)R   ~R  Red       Red     Red
(tilde)Y   ~Y  Yellow    Yellow  Yellow
(tilde)G   ~G  Green     Green   Green
(tilde)C   ~C  Cyan      Cyan    Cyan
(tilde)B   ~B  Blue      Blue    Blue
(tilde)P   ~P  Purple    Purple  Purple
(tilde)W   ~W  White     White   White
(tilde)H   ~H  Highlight Highlight
(tilde)U   ~U  Undo      (uses previous color)

Most people opt to put color in their titles, but color may also be added to
descriptions or notes.  Use of color when building is discouraged.

The color scheme was originally set up to allow characters to better see what
is happening during fights, hence may not be as colorful as you are used to.
Overall, color is still in an experimental stage.  Slowly the world is being
colorized, hopefully not in a bad way.  If you have comments on the color
scheme, or think that certain colors suck for some things, post a note
somewhere, and we'll try to get a look at it.

<635hp 442m 290mv>
You tell the group, 'escaped chars <, >, and &'
(warning, you have no other group members)

<635hp 442m 290mv>
[samon] Samon: this n' that with rusty

<635hp 442m 290mv>