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Alter Aeon Commands - Complete List

All of the publicly available commands are listed below.  To see the
usage of the command or possible explanations, just click on the command.

assist         action         armor          absorbs        auction
affects        afk            allies         alias          aliases
appraise       alignment      alts           area           areas
advice         advance        achievements   attack         abort
ambush         attract        auto           autobrew       autoexit
autodoor       autosplit      autogold       autoloot       autolook
autosac        autoshort      autobrief      autotick       autoreload
autorewield    autowield      autoturn       autocount      autoremove
autoenter      autoassist     autounhide     autosize       autotithe
autoflee       autobind       ansicolor      antidotes      accounts
backstab       backwards      bait           bash           bank
bid            beep           berserk        block          brew
bottle         bloodsacrifice bcast          bloodcast      bquench
board          boards         bob            buy            bug
brief          blind          butcher        bonecrafting   bribe
brag           boat           books          boot           bloodrage
brage          blstab         build          builders       boons
bonus          cast           close          ctell          channels
consider       compare        count          check          clan
clans          cwho           ctwho          clanwho        clanset
clantell       clanlist       cbroadcast     call           calm
cleave         charge         carried        carve          center
clear          case           commands       connect        cooking
clobber        color          collect        compact        condition
configure      context        consecrate     changelog      changes
climb          convert        calculate      charmed        clean
cloak          combine        combos         crafting       crafts
creators       ccast          channelcast    cryvictory     cripple
compliment     drop           disarm         distract       dirtthrow
dice           donate         drink          date           ditch
dues           disconnect     dream          deeds          dslayer
douse          disband        defend         disembark      deathwalk
dismiss        describe       defile         dcast          defcast
defilecast     dcreate        dset           equipment      eqset
eqsets         eqwear         emote          exits          empty
email          enter          enrage         enemies        eat
examine        extinguish     experience     enchant        event
eventshow      excavate       eldertell      etell          flee
flick          feint          flourish       flank          flip
follow         followers      foes           find           fighting
faqs           forage         forge          fish           fill
feats          fame           friends        flist          fwho
fly            fire           get            group          grshow
groupshow      grtank         grhurt         grwho          groupwho
groupcast      gtell          grouptell      groupinfo      groupidle
gridle         gstrike        gcast          give           gather
gold           godlist        godshow        goals          gwho
guilds         graphshow      gift           glance         gamble
gain           gwhere         groupwhere     gjobs          grjobs
groupjobs      help           helplast       heraldry       hlast
hide           history        hints          hold           how
heal           hp             hpshow         hands          hptank
hphurt         hpgroup        home           harvest        hardreturns
hunt           inventory      information    if             identify
impale         idle           ignore         idea           instances
insult         intimidate     indomitable    introduction   ignite
items          invert         jab            jiggle         jump
junk           jobs           kill           knockback      knockdown
kick           knapping       look           lunge          list
listen         lock           lockpick       level          levels
leap           learned        leathercraftingleatherworking lapidary
lastlogin      lineinvert     location       locate         lecho
localecho      legacy         logoff         lowhp          lowmn
lowmv          lose           lifetap        light          library
ltap           loot           lance          land           landmarks
leaderboards   load           leech          lag            maintain
manual         mana           mn             meditate       memorize
metallurgy     mobs           move           movement       mv
multis         mudmail        mail           math           maps
melee          measure        monitor        moulinet       minions
mmarket        moneymarket    mount          melt           merge
missing        motd           motto          milking        mset
msstat         mstat          mshow          nearby         news
nosummon       notell         notify         noprompt       noedit
noleave        noksteal       nokillsteal    nukereply      nogcast
nomelee        nocombat       navigate       names          objects
order          open           out            oshow          ostat
osstat         oset           ofind          put            picklock
pickpocket     practice       punch          pommelstrike   pstrike
pray           palm           party          parties        prompts
pose           pour           prepare        poison         peek
profile        protect        points         pantheon       players
panic          pkill          passgen        prospect       petition
pluck          playstyle      ports          pursue         push
pull           quaff          quit           quests         remove
report         reply          replay         riposte        rehash
read           rescue         rest           rally          recite
recall         retreat        resists        roster         rob
roar           run            runes          reset          renounce
respond        release        reel           restart        rules
ruler          reduce         review         recast         remember
rset           rstat          rsstat         rshow          rcreate
rub            say            sprompt        speak          stats
stab           stomp          save           sacrifice      score
scan           scent          set            sell           second
sit            skills         skin           skirmish       sleep
slist          slam           slogan         search         sector
season         sneak          sneaking       socials        sort
show           showprompt     shoplift       shopkeep       shuck
split          spells         spam           spook          status
statistics     stand          study          sail           steal
start          subgtell       sunder         sunset         send
slay           stop           stopfighting   stir           settarget
storage        summon         spellset       store          scout
skick          spinkick       soulbind       scribe         scrap
shadow         ship           survey         soulmarket     sales
smelt          smith          smell          sew            tell
talk           terrain        thrust         throw          trip
troll          tug            title          train          time
turn           tips           typoshow       take           tank
target         taunt          trade          touch          tap
tactics        trap           tailor         tasks          taste
think          track          use            usecarried     useheld
unlock         unuse          unwear         unwield        uptime
unalias        unmaintain     ungroup        unfollow       unequip
uname          unhide         unignore       unsummon       unblock
userload       uabort         update         unstring       unpoison
unload         victory        valor          value          variables
versions       wear           wield          who            whois
whoami         wakeup         warn           where          waypoints
wickercraft    wickerwork     wander         write          wimpy
weight         whirlwind      withdraw       whisper        worth
woodcrafting   woodworking    wstat          worldstat      walk
weather        wizlist        yell            

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