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Alter Aeon Socials - Complete List

Socials are special commands you can use to interact with other players.
You can use these commands to perform shortcut actions, such as smiling
or laughing, without having to type in all of the details yourself.

ack         agree       ahha        angel       apologize   argh        
arr         awe         babble      backslap    bacon       bahumbug    
bap         barf        bark        beam        bear        beckon      
beer        beg         bellyache   bkiss       blah        blarg       
blink       blog        blonde      blush       bobross     boggle      
bonk        boogie      bop         bored       boss        bounce      
bow         brb         burp        button      bye         cackle      
caress      cartwheel   cheer       chip        chortle     chuckle     
clap        code        coffee      coinflip    comfort     confused    
cough       cower       cringe      cry         cube        cuddle      
curl        curse       curtsy      dance       daydream    derp        
devil       discodance  doh!        drool       drunk       duck        
eegrin      eemo        egrin       embrace     eyebrow     facepalm    
faint       fandango    fart        flex        flip        flirt       
flush       flutter     fondle      freak       fremen      french      
frown       ftf         gamlin      gasp        gauntlet    gawk        
giggle      gladiator   glare       goat        goddamnit   gorilla     
goth        grab        greet       grimace     grin        groan       
grope       growl       grumble     grunt       gurgle      hack        
hail        hair        handkiss    handshake   hate        headbang    
headlock    hiccup      highfive    hiss        hmm         honk        
hop         howl        hrm         hug         huge        hum         
hump        hurf        innocent    insane      island      jedi        
jello       jigg        kanook      kiss        kneel       lag         
lalala      laugh       laundry     lick        make        meep        
meow        miss        mmk         mml         moan        mole        
moon        mooo        mutter      nanook      nerd        nibble      
ninethousandnod         noodle      nowthan     nudge       nuzzle      
ogg         orly        oz          pace        pancake     pant        
pat         patriot     peck        peer        pervert     pet         
picard      pie         pimp        pinch       pointat     poke        
ponder      pounce      pout        powertrip   prance      preach      
propose     protectinatepuke        punt        purr        putter      
raa         raindance   ranko       raspberry   ready       redneck     
ribble      rice        rofl        roll        rose        ruffle      
rutroh      salute      sbomb       scoff       scold       scowl       
scratch     scream      scuffle     scuttle     seppuku     shag        
shake       shame       shhh        shiver      shoo        shrug       
shudder     shun        sigh        sing        sith        skip        
slam        slap        smack       smile       smirk       smoke       
smooch      snap        snarl       sneer       sneeze      snicker     
sniff       snifle      snod        snore       snort       snowball    
snuggle     spammm      spank       spin        spit        spock       
sprawl      squat       ssnod       stalk       stare       steam       
stefen      stomp       stoned      stretch     strip       strut       
suicide     suspect     tackle      tapp        thank       threaten    
tickles     tmi         toast       torture     tweak       twiddle     
twirl       twitch      uh          valley      vegetate    view        
violin      waffles     wave        wedgie      whap        whimper     
whine       whistle     whittle     wibble      wiggle      willy       
wince       wings       wink        worship     wrestle     wrinkle     
wrist       wtf         xxp         yawn        zerbert      

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